Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Emotions !! A spice to life..

What is happiness?
To a child, it’s a candy,
To a man, it’s sense of duty,
To a boy, it could be love,
To a girl, it could be anything,
To a bird, it’s a nest,
To a fish, it’s a pond,
Joy, glee or ecstasy,
Can they be constant?

What is depression?
To a tree, it’s autumn,
To a river, its flood,
To a theatre, its emptiness,
To a warrior, its defeat,
To a coward, it’s nothing,
To a home, its loneliness,
Sorrow, grief or misery,
Can they be permanent?

When the salsa of sentiments is played on,
Heart trembles like a dance floor,
The most stable, turns unpredictable,
And the unsteady, goes crazy,
Perplexed thoughts are often loyal,
And hence the brains never flout.

Desires, wishes, or ambition,
All flows through a poignant notion.
Regardless of up and down motion,
Life can be a delicious dish,
When pep up with emotion.


Natty said...

O boy ! ;) its rocking

Anonymous said...

Dude its awesome ...Sid

Skip Alidon said...

Poetry with feeling. I like it. Hits home to me.

Deepak G said...

another gud one da...wl rate it as the best till date...

Unknown said...

Poetry with deep thought ...